Inputs come in two different colors. The default input color is $field-01
and is used on $ui-background
and $ui-02
page backgrounds. The --light
version input color is $field-02
and is used on $ui-01
page backgrounds.
Refer to the [text input](/components/text-input/code, [dropdown](/components/dropdown/code, [checkbox](/components/checkbox/code, [radio button](/components/radio-button/code, toggle, and button pages for specific typography details on each component.
Example of light fields with $field-02 (left) and the default version with $field-01 (right)
Form headings and labels should be set in sentence case with the first letter of the first word capitalized. Refer to the [text input](/components/text-input/code, [dropdown](/components/dropdown/code, [checkbox](/components/checkbox/code, [radio button](/components/radio-button/code, toggle, and button pages for specific typography details on each component.
Property | Font-size (px/rem) | Font-weight | Type token |
Heading | 28 / 1.75 | Regular / 400 | $heading-03 |
.bx--label | 14 / 0.875 | Regular / 400 | $label-01 |
.bx--text-input | 14 / 0.875 | Regular / 400 | $body-short-01 |
.bx--text-input::placeholder | 14 / 0.875 | Regular / 400 | $body-short-01 |
.bx--form-requirement | 12 / 0.75 | Regular / 400 | $label-01 |
.bx--form__helper-text | 12 / 0.75 | Regular / 400 | $helper-text-01 |
Forms are made up of several different components. The order in which these elements are arranged is flexible, but should always follow the spacing guidelines below.
Forms can be one column or two. The width of each column varies based on the content and layout of the design. On mobile, forms can only have one column.
All icons can be found on the icons library page.
Element | Property | px / rem | Spacing token |
Form items | margin-bottom | 24 / 1.5 | $spacing-06 |
Title area | margin-bottom | 32 / 2 | $spacing-07 |
Gutter between items | – | 32 / 2 | $spacing-07 |
Buttons | margin-top | 32 / 2 | $spacing-07 |
Structure and spacing measurements for a double column form | px / rem
Structure and spacing measurements